Is The Triangle Method The Magical Missing Dating Piece?
TikTok has unveiled yet another tactic to rizz up the person you’re newly dating: the triangle method.
With over 47.3 million views, and several content creators expounding on its magic, this cheeky method is set to help level up the dating scene. All it takes is to gaze at someone’s left eye, then the right, then look down to the lips, and back to the first eye. Rinse and repeat.
The method establishes eye contact, which is always a great way to develop a connection and flaunt one’s interest. One can also use it to gauge how the other person feels, while the gaze at the lips pushes for that first kiss.
For those who still doubt this method, here are some notes on how to make it work:
Take It Slow
You don’t have to do this as soon as you sit down if you don’t want to look like a creep. Though doing so suggests you have much confidence, it’s still better to cultivate intimacy first, then do the triangle method once or twice during the date. Think of good, stimulating conversations to start with, then see where everything flows.
Don’t Let Your Eyes Linger Long
It’s never a good idea to stare at any body part for a long time. Fixing your eyes too long at any of the three points can make someone feel conscious, especially when you stare too much at the mouth post-dinner date.
Keep it swift and simple. You want to make the other person feel like you have their loving attention instead of making them think that they might have ketchup stains around their mouth.
Keep Things Light
Don’t overthink this routine too much to avoid making it seem too practiced. Don’t focus on getting that kiss too much either. Keep it as natural as you can, since this will be better for the long haul.
Instead, focus on showing up just as you are instead of relying on an unfamiliar flirting technique. Remember, you’re there to see if you two are a good fit. You don’t have to be so geometric about it.
But Is It Really Effective?
This tactic has been around for decades and it’s been shown in films such as Titanic, where both Rose and Jack were doing it, or in any of Marilyn Monroe’s films in the 1950s.
Even so, according to Lee M.D., M.B.A., the triangle method shouldn’t be honored as the missing puzzle to one’s love life. Though it works for some with their well-considered moves, it may not work the same way for everyone.
The technique will remain meaningless if the person you fancy doesn’t reciprocate, or if there’s no compatibility between the two of you. Perhaps it’s best to apply Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love where you combine the components of intimacy, commitment, and passion in fostering a connection.
However, if you’re still keen on trying the Triangle Method on your upcoming date, then why not? You’ll never know what may happen; regardless of whether your attempt ends in success or failure, know that you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
Lee, Bruce Y. 2023. “Does the ‘Triangle Method’ of Flirting Really Work?” Psychology Today.
Feuerman, Marni. 2024. “Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love.” Verywell Mind.