Signs of a Narcissistic Partner You Need to Pay Attention To
Signs of a narcissistic partner can be difficult to recognize, especially if your mind is set on believing that your problems are simply part of the ups and downs of a relationship.
You might tell yourself, “No one is perfect. Relationships require sacrifice.”
Well, I’m here to tell you that, aside from the fact that you’re hopelessly fighting for a toxic person, you weren’t put on this planet to become some great defender like Joan of Arc. Let’s not romanticize martyrdom, shall we?
Nobody’s perfect, but your health shouldn’t be at stake. Sacrifices in relationships can mean lending your time to your partner because it benefits them and not you. Or burning the midnight oil at work because you’re saving up for your wedding.
It’s never about making yourself the punching bag.
In case you haven’t figured it out yet, a narcissistic partner is in constant need of admiration but lacks the reciprocity to offer it back.
This is because they have a sense of entitlement in their bones, believing that they’re that special, as stated in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR).
A Narcissistic Partner’s Warning Signs
To make things clearer, let’s break down the warning signs. Take a look at each behaviors. Consider each sign carefully. You’ll know you’re with a narcissist if they exhibit the majority of the indicators listed below:
They Believe They’re Always Right
Arguing with them can seem impossible. Every disagreement is a chance to tell you you’re wrong. And because it lowers their self-esteem, they lash out whenever you let them know you’ve had enough. Narcissists don’t like it when you fight back because it implies that their power is diminished.
You Constantly Feel Like You’re Walking On Eggshells
Are their emotions unpredictable? When someone else receives praise for their work, and they feel unfairly left out, do they lose their temper? That’s a clear sign of narcissistic rage. Due to their extremely pessimistic attitude, you also consequently absorb their negativity. Now, you make choices based on their level of happiness rather than your own.
Your Needs Are Often Ignored
They don’t make an effort to hear you out or understand you. They’re pretty charming at first with their proclamations of love, but it fizzles out over time until you’re the only one left who keeps giving. Because they’re good at manipulating reality, you then start to feel like you’re too much and start doubting yourself.
They Relentlessly Make Fun of You
A narcissist gets pleasure from putting others down to seem superior. They simply don’t care, even after you pointed out that their jokes are offensive. Worse, they love it when you react because it shows that they impact you. When this situation arises, the best thing you can do is either remain silent or leave.
You Take Full Responsibility for Everything
Because they believe that no one is better than them, you bear the brunt of their mistakes. I bet you’ve never received a proper apology, just the silent treatment where you end up apologizing for something you didn’t do. This is because it validates their superiority even more and they feed off your praises.
Do these signs of a narcissistic partner resonate with you? I’m warning you, please don’t settle into this kind of relationship. Better yet, encourage your partner to see a mental health professional so that they can become aware that they’re causing you and others distress. Love alone will never be enough to fix a narcissistic partner.
Ambardar, S. (2023). “Narcissistic Personality Disorder.” Medscape.
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