The Reality of Marrying an Asian Woman

Yasmin Del Rosario
5 min readSep 30, 2023
Want to know what it feels like marrying an Asian woman? | Photo by East Meets Dress on Unsplash

Let’s get real this time.

After getting through the meet-and-greet process and then the dating phase, there is no question in anyone’s mind that the marriage phase is nothing like the first two. What is it like marrying an Asian woman after all the fantasies and the honeymoon?

We know that many people have had success in interracial marriages, but we also know that men and women are far from perfect when it comes to relationships. During the course of these relationships, there will be disagreements and issues. That is, however, the normal order of things. A loving couple would not be natural if they didn’t clash or have disagreements from time to time.

It doesn’t have to be bittersweet all of the time. If you want to know how to meet Asian women with the aim of marrying one, you should first get a sense of what it’s like..

Getting Used To Different Cultures Clashing

This has the potential to be a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, being a part of something completely new and different is exciting and fascinating. You get to see her culture and customs from the eyes of a foreigner, and now that you’re married, you’re also a semi-infinite part of it. The new things you see and experience in her part of the world will widen your eyes; you’ll get to see things you’ve only ever seen on TV and also get to LIVE in it.

On the other hand, there’s the part where her views conflict with yours in an uncomfortable way.

It’s possible. Interracial marriages are difficult to maintain since two individuals with different cultures, customs, and upbringing are pitted against one another when married. It’s difficult to live with someone who holds a view that you disagree with because it’s what you were taught as a child. She would react the same way, as if her personal convictions had been violated.

Worst of all, when you’re married, you can’t really get away from each other. You’re forced to talk about it, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Who’d have guessed that talking could help? Finding a middle ground and freely discussing it is the only way to get through this. See what she’s able to let go of and what lines she won’t cross, and she’ll reciprocate. Of course, it won’t be that easy, but as previously said, relationships are never perfect.

When You Expect Different Things From Each Other…

There will be turmoil. What else is new? For example, if you’re a Western man who was raised to believe that marriage is based on equality and that it is the only form of relationship that is appropriate, and you marry a Chinese woman who prefers a traditional relationship, expect uncomfortable moments and possibly frustration.

woman smiling shyly
An Asian woman will want you to step up as the man! | Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash

There will be moments when she needs you to make the decisions and be the man in the relationship, while she perfectly portrays traditional roles of an Asian woman by refusing to respond if you instead ask her what she wants. Basically, she’ll expect you to act a certain way and “Be The Man,” even though you have no idea what that means because it means something completely different to her than it does to you.

When this happens, you must let go of your expectations and accept that she will occasionally do something you don’t understand. To satisfy her, you’ll have to unlearn some of the things you’ve been taught. Why? Because what works with one woman will backfire with another.

The Food Is Amazing

Marriage was created out of love with the aim of bringing two people together in happiness, so there are more advantages than drawbacks. When you marry someone from another nation, the food becomes more diverse because they have their own cuisine, so you get the benefits of eating tasty food that isn’t native to your country.

Since Asian cuisine consists of many major regional cuisines, you might be exposed to a specific form of food depending on where the wife lived.

You would get to eat rice, noodles, mung beans, soybeans, high-quality seafood, mutton, bok choy, and tea if she was from East Asia, such as China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Tibet.

If she came from Southeast Asia — the Philippines, Indonesia, East Malaysia, Thailand, and so on — you’d get to sample a cuisine that places a heavy focus on light, aromatic dishes. You could eat chicken adobo, spring rolls, stir-fried noodles, and other dishes as a result !

The point is that you will be able to dine like a king. The best part is that you’ll be preparing the food together and learning about each other’s cuisines.

“Accidentally” Learning Her Language

We say “accidentally” because after a period of time living with a stranger, you begin to adjust to their tics. Maybe you haven’t realized it yet, but if you hear yourself using an expression in her language when doing boring tasks, you know you’re “accidentally” discovering it.

couple painting their walls
Men and women who are in relationships tend to adopt each other’s tics and habits. | Photo by Roselyn Tirado on Unsplash

It does not, however, make you fluent. Of course, you can be, but at the very least, you’ll have a head start on learning it properly later. It’ll be less difficult for you, because you’ll have your wife to help you out.

Language isn’t confined to the lingual, but by the general manners by which she expresses and receives love. Think of things like physical touch, body language, time spent together. All these contribute to someone’s language. The more time you spend with each other, the more you understand how you “speak” to each other apart from words.

Getting Married To An Asian

We can only speak for the success stories and interactions we’ve experienced, but if the points presented here help you understand what it’s like to marry an Asian woman, we hope we’ve given you trust. After all, you’re reading this because you’re thinking about getting married after dating in Asia, right?

If you’ve already met the woman of your dreams through an Asian women dating site, all you have to do now is double-check that she’s the one before proposing.

Best of luck!



Yasmin Del Rosario
Yasmin Del Rosario

Written by Yasmin Del Rosario

Top Writer for Online Dating | Professional Dating Coach at

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