Height Matters! The Reason Why Asian Women Prefer Taller Men

Yasmin Del Rosario
5 min readAug 3, 2021


A lot of women obsess over a man’s height and it’s why so many men get insecure about it.

This is especially true for women in Asian countries, China most of all. Height used to be a universal Chinese obsession. Since China experienced malnutrition and famine back in the day, height signaled fortune, functioning as a proxy for class. It’s also an advantage for women. The taller they are, the better they perform on the job market.

People in some Asian countries are born naturally shorter than people from the West. It’s why some locals are attracted to visiting foreigners. Since a lot of Asian men are equal to — or even shorter than — the women in height, they tend to get starry-eyed whenever they see a tall American or European.

In some countries like China and Taiwan, height is somehow a real obsession. And here’s why:

The Height Obsession

Granted, the obsession with height is a global phenomenon. In the West, parents too wish their children to become tall. Height is also seen as a sign of good health and strength right. Not to mention, many studies suggest that taller people are more successful than shorter people.

Socially, it is widely accepted as normal for men to be taller than their girlfriends.

Of course, there are many examples of successful men who aren’t very tall, such as Tom Cruise, Micheal J. Fox, Rupert Murdoch, and Nicolas Sarkozy. On average, however, they represent the exception. Some say this is because height signifies power or self-confidence.

But in China, it seems to be a legitimate obsession. One possible explanation is because of the importance of gender roles and social criteria in Chinese culture. In their culture, mate selection and marriage are not primarily based on love. Most of, if not all the time, marriage is factored on status, filial piety, financial security, and the fulfillment of social roles.

And people look for partners who can best fulfill their social role.

Many Chinese women accept such roles and actively promote them. There are those who want a husband who earns more than them, who is taller than them, who can do manly chores like repairing the house and so on. These women have a particular idea of the role of a husband and want to find someone who fits the criteria.

And in this case, height is one of the said criteria. It is part of what they consider valuable and suitable in a man — the image of a man who is the leader and provider of the household.

Here, being taller means being a superior husband.

What You Need To Know Before Dating An Asian Woman

As stated above, height seems to be something of a priority. Luckily, most Westerners, even those considered short by their standards, are naturally taller than Asian women.

But if a lack of height is bothering you, don’t worry, not all hope is lost. Dating girls who are from Asia isn’t so strict these days. After all, interracial relationships are common now. A lot of the women from China are even actively looking for a foreign partner. If you get lucky, you might find one meant for you too.

But before you date an Asian woman, there are things you need to be aware of.

  • Asian girls are cultural at heart

No matter how “modern” an Asian girl is, she will still uphold her cultural values. If you’re courting one, you should learn about her roots. Even though there are similarities, cultures differ from country to country across Asia.

Make sure you know which country she’s from and keep it in mind. Still, there is no need for you to ramble on what you know about her culture. Women, no matter what race, have a distaste for arrogant men.

  • They appreciate it if you’re more honest about your intentions

A lot of Asian women are extremely shy, hence when they are looking for someone to date, they will often prefer someone that is straightforward and bold. There is also one more thing you should know and focus on — not all women will know when you are giving her hints on how you feel about her. This means that you will want to say what you are feeling directly instead of subtly.

  • She probably loves using social media platforms

Asia has the highest usage of social media sites in the world. So naturally, Asian women love using the internet. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and a wide variety of dating sites are what they use for finding a date. You are more likely to find an interested woman on these sites.

  • Being stereotypical can ruin everything

There are a lot of stereotypes revolving around Asian women, especially the ones that refer to them as submissive. Some individuals think that they are good at maintaining homes, which they think means they will make good wives in the future.

This is partly true. A lot of women in Asia do still retain such traits but since more and more countries are adopting the Western culture, some have adapted rather quickly.

  • Don’t forget to approach her first before all this

Asian women are known to be conservative and shy. Approaching them first has nothing to do with your looks, just in case you are wondering why one hasn’t approached you yet. You will need to make the first move — which is what they expect of men.

So if you see a girl that you like, be friendly and polite as you make conversation. This will make her feel more comfortable and it will show that you do not have any problems with taking the first step.

Dating an Asian girl in 2021

Dating in 2021 is almost totally different from what it was even 10 years ago. The world is different now and dating culture has to adapt to the changes even more. This means modern dating, especially with Asian girls, is not as old-fashioned as it was in the past.

But despite the changes, being nice, polite, and respectful are still key to getting an Asian girl to like you. You at least won’t have to second guess if she likes you. And if you’re lucky to be about a head taller than her, you at least fit within her criteria.



Yasmin Del Rosario
Yasmin Del Rosario

Written by Yasmin Del Rosario

Top Writer for Online Dating | Professional Dating Coach at www.mydreamasian.com

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