Are Foreign Women REALLY Dating Average Looking Men?
No man truly deserves to be lonely. Okay, maybe for a few obvious exceptions. But for regular guys around the globe, all they want is someone to love and who loves them back.
It’s not much to ask, isn’t it? But alas, a great love life can sometimes be more elusive than bigfoot.
Either these regular joes have been broken up with or they’ve never had a real relationship. Whatever the case, these guys have romantic histories that have been less than stellar.
Many of these guys have tried to find love in their own backyards, but changing social norms has made it so that a lot of the women in their countries aren’t interested in them.
Maybe they’re not interested in the men’s personalities. Maybe they’re not interested in the kind of relationships the men are interested in, like how some women want to put off having children to advance in their careers.
So a lot of them decide that they need to do something that a lot of people would consider drastic.
They go abroad and start dating foreign women.
But there’s one problem, an obvious one: many of the women abroad are gorgeous, so much so that they could be supermodels. But a lot of the guys, on the other hand, don’t even look like they’d be invited to watch these women walk down the runway.
So it kind of makes it hard for them to think that maybe they have a shot. But these guys do have a shot with these women and there are a lot of reasons why average men succeed.
They’re losing the numbers game
There are some places wherein the gender ratio is imbalanced in favor of women. In Russia, there are 77 million women for 66 million men. In Ukraine, it’s 23 million for 20 million men. Even taking out the number of women who aren’t interested in dating men, that’s still millions of women who aren’t going to have a lot of options for male companionship unless they’re willing to share.
If they’re not willing to share, some of them are willing to date a man from a different country, even if that man isn’t on her level when it comes to physical attractiveness.
It’s not that they find him particularly attractive. It’s that there aren’t a lot of options in general, so it’s either an average looking guy or it’s being alone in a country that stigmatizes women being unmarried. An average guy may not be her first option, but he’s kind of her only option.
Some guys are funny
Some guys who aren’t all that good-looking can compensate for it by being funny. They have to, because they’re not going to be able to skate by on their looks. So they use comedy, and it’s effective. Being funny is seen as a rather attractive trait and an average guy can land a gorgeous woman if he can make her laugh.
There’s money or something else involved
Now comes the unfortunate reality that there are a lot of women who live in countries that they want to leave. Maybe they want a better socioeconomic situation for themselves or their families and a foreign man, any foreign man, is their way to achieve that.
Sometimes, a woman is attracted to a man not because of who he is, but because of what he brings. An average man can land a beautiful foreign woman because he provides access to a more developed country and the income and lifestyle that comes with it. There are a lot of people that want money and a green card and they’re more than happy to put up with someone they don’t find attractive to get them.
Some personalities just mesh well together
Sometimes, two people may not look like they should be together but they are. Because while they may be very different on the outside, the inside is a different story. They get along well and they enjoy each other’s company.
Maybe they’re both prim and proper. Or maybe they’re both rough and rugged. Either way, birds of a feather go together.
She sees something in him that other people don’t
There’s a saying that posits that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A guy can look completely ordinary and be with a woman who is so gorgeous that the earth stops its rotation so the sun can get a better look at her. And no one who looks at them can figure out why they’re together.
But maybe she sees something in him that other people don’t. Maybe he’s kind. Maybe he’s generous. Maybe he’s everything that’s good in the world and that matters to her more than looks. Sometimes, being a good man counts for a lot more than being a good-looking one.
There’s a talent there that makes him attractive
Some people are good at something and being good at something can make them attractive in a way that their average looks cannot. Like music, for example, a guy can be perfectly average when it comes to his looks but the second he starts strumming his fingers on a guitar, he becomes irresistible.
Maybe it’s not music that he’s got a knack for. Maybe it’s art. Maybe it’s a sport. Whatever the case, he’s good at something and the way he looks while he’s doing it makes him anything other than average.
She likes his smell
Love is one of those things that is relatively easy to explain. It’s a biochemical reaction in the brain. Nothing more, nothing less. Now, attraction isn’t always visual, sometimes it’s the smell, but an unconscious one. Sometimes, people meet and they’re instantly attracted to each other even if they don’t look like they should be. This is because their brains react to each others’ pheromones.
There’s more to love than looks. While it is true that being physically attractive can make finding a mate a lot easier. But looks are not the end all/be all of love. Average-looking people can land the beautiful elite for a wide variety of reasons and not all of them are nefarious in nature. Sometimes, people just come together.