Are You Dating a Woman with Red Flags?

You could be. You just don’t know it.

Yasmin Del Rosario
3 min readJun 27, 2023
a lonely woman sitting on a chair by the window, for My Dream Asian
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

It’s difficult to spot the red flags. Not only because we don’t typically look for them when meeting someone, but also because some people are good at hiding it. Some aren’t even aware they’re exhibiting red flags. The only people to see it are those from outside the relationship.

If you’ve dated toxic women before, you most likely don’t want to date another one. It can sometimes be comfortable to settle with people like these but make no mistake. You are sacrificing your mental and emotional health for that comfort.

See if she’s doing any of the following:

1. Always on the phone

When you’re together, she doesn’t pay much attention to you or your conversation. She’s too occupied with her phone, texting her friends incessantly.

Another red flag is when she keeps on texting or calling you when you’re apart. You should have your own space, even if you two are a couple. Someone who keeps on going past the line of normal is bad news.

2. Badmouths her ex

If she keeps on talking about her ex and how bad he was at being her boyfriend, you’re probably a rebound. It is a sign that she isn’t over it. She may say she loves you, but if she keeps comparing you to her past lover, then it’s obvious she still has left-over feelings.

No one should jump into a relationship after ending a bad one. If you don’t want to be a rebound, it’s best you tell her so and end it there.

3. Needs constant reassurance

Relationships are all about loving and supporting one another. Of course, you’re going to reassure her if things get stressful. But constantly having to do it? It’s going to drain you.

If she can’t make herself happy, you will end up doing it for the whole duration of your relationship. You can’t fix her. She needs to fix herself, especially if she plans to get back into a relationship.

4. Persistent jealousy

Being jealous isn’t the red flag. It’s the negative and violent actions she does when she’s jealous that you need to worry about.

It’s okay to be jealous when your partner is being friendly with other women. What’s not okay is attacking them about it and going so far as to watch their every move, like a psychopath. If she’s exhibiting this kind of behavior, you need to step back and reassess your relationship.

5. Spilling other people’s secrets

If she easily spills other people’s secrets, then she will do the same about your secrets. This says a lot about her character. She’s someone you can’t trust easily, so be careful about what you say to her.

There are better women out there.

You deserve better. Avoid getting entangled with toxic women. Know that the majority of the women out there aren’t like this.

You are better off with someone else. One that doesn’t drag you down and instead lifts you up. Those kinds of women will guarantee your happiness.



Yasmin Del Rosario
Yasmin Del Rosario

Written by Yasmin Del Rosario

Top Writer for Online Dating | Professional Dating Coach at

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