Dating Reality
Ladies, Let’s Get To Know the Chill Guy
Unless you’ve been on a serious social media detox, you’ve probably come across a meme featuring a relaxed brown dog wearing a grey sweater, jeans, and red sneakers, with its hands in its pockets.
In case you’re unaware of its name, let me introduce you to the “Chill Guy.”
A faint grin can be seen on the cool dog’s face. With its long round face and charming snoot, the internet has fallen in love with the “chill guy.” In reference to people unlocking a new character that displays them as laid-back, this meme is also called “My New Character.”
People have been celebrating the iconic meme with witty captions like:
“My new character is a chill guy. A chill guy but lowkey doesn’t really care about anything.”
“When I snooze my alarm 100 times and I’m late for work, but I’m really just a chill guy.”
“When I get a low test score, but I remember I’m just a chill guy.”
“When you know you’re right in the argument but you’re a chill guy who’d rather keep the peace.”
Finding humor in the relaxed moments of life has a special sense of fulfillment. I, myself, have admiration for those who effortlessly stay composed even in the face of chaos. These times of calm indifference are why the chill guy memes have grown to be one of my favorite places to find cheeky humor.
What Makes a Chill Guy Stand Out?
It’s no surprise why the online community has been admiring the meme, whether they’re referring to themselves or an ideal person. This is due to the fact that a chill guy possesses qualities that make a good partner, like:
Relaxed Attitude
Living up to its name, a chill guy isn’t a chill guy if he doesn’t possess the essential attitude of calmness. It’s a good sign if your partner doesn’t get upset over trivial matters because it makes your relationship run smoothly. The more relaxed a person is, the better they’ll be able to handle situations and communicate with you.
Due to their easygoing nature, they often have a good sense of humor, making them entertaining and delightful partners. By making others feel at ease, they create a relaxed atmosphere at the table. They don’t even easily get annoyed at sick jokes because of some next-level tolerance they carry. Just be careful not to take advantage of this good fella’s heart.
You might be surprised to learn how self-aware chill guys can be. Due to their open-mindedness, they think more carefully about their thoughts and decisions. Even if they don’t know much about someone, they also tend to be more understanding of them. But do not even try to manipulate them because, while they may appear calm, they are adept at reading body language.
Optimistic Perspective
While optimists typically exhibit higher levels of confidence and self-worth, chill guys don’t flaunt their optimism. Their quiet, composed demeanor in a room makes you feel it when you’re with them. In relationships, chill guys highlight the good things about their partners more, making the relationship hopeful.
If you’re a chill guy yourself, congratulations! You’re currently the most adored person in the world. Take pride in your unique qualities! Just don’t let your chillness take over your soul to the point where it becomes difficult to take healthy action.