Celebrating Valentine’s Day: The Filipino Way

Yasmin Del Rosario
3 min readFeb 9, 2021

The Philippines is known to be traditional, especially during love month. Find out how Valentine’s Day is celebrated the Filipino way.

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with your Filipino girl in the Philippines!

What’s Valentine’s Day like for Filipino women?

Valentine’s Day, also known as Araw ng mga Puso in the Filipino language, is a celebration of love and sweet nothings every February 14. Although this annual occasion is usually about couples who are married or in a relationship, in the Philippines, it is a celebration of love between significant others, families, and friends.

Since Filipinos are known to be romantic amongst all Asians, a lot of pressure is put on both men and women to come up with something big to show their love and affection toward their loved ones. So if you are planning to confess your feelings to Filipinas on Valentine’s Day, make sure you know how to do it right.

The Philippines is one of the most traditional countries in Southeast Asia. They always have a unique way of celebrating each and every holiday, including Valentine’s Day. To fill you in on how Filipinas celebrate the day of love and giving, take note of the following:

1. Gift Giving

Valentine’s Day for Filipinos is like Christmas all over again, where gifts are given to loved ones and a lovely evening is spent at a fancy restaurant or cafe. However, unlike asking for a wishlist, like in the Christmas season, the giver usually has to think with a little extra effort and be creative to find the perfect gift that will symbolize their love. If you are dating a Filipina and you plan to surprise her this Valentine’s Day, make sure you get her the best gift that will make her happy.

2. Flowers

If there is anything that will make a Filipina feel like she’s on cloud nine during Valentine’s day, flowers are the way to go. During the love season, every market, stall, and boutique in the Philippines will sell bouquets of flowers to commemorate the event. There are a lot of flowers that fit the celebration. Red roses are known to symbolize love, so they are always a go-to option and readily available.

Traditionally, men are expected to bring red roses, or any flowers for that matter, upon meeting their Filipina girlfriends or wives during Valentine’s Day.

3. Chocolates

With regards to Filipino culture, it has become orthodox to give chocolates to loved ones during love month. That is why wherever you go in the Philippines during Valentine’s Day, you will see people buying a variety of sweet treats. However, just because it’s a tradition doesn’t mean that you should not exert some effort. You still need to be wise in choosing what type of chocolate or sweets to give because how it tastes will reflect your feelings. Thus, it’s ideal to buy the sweetest ones to ensure your Valentine’s Day celebration is successful.

4. Renewal of Vows

Another way Filipino people, especially married couples, celebrate love month is through a renewal of vows. During the 14th day of February, Filipino married couples plan another intimate ceremony to reassert their commitment to each other. Usually, this is celebrated during anniversaries, but it is more memorable to renew one’s vows at the same time as the celebration of the love season, at least for Filipinos.

5. Mass Weddings

Mass weddings have become a new trend among Filipinos during love month. Basically, government institutions hold events where Filipino couples who have been dating for a while and living together can get married for free. Although it is not a fancy wedding like you see in movies, Filipinos believe that the essence of being in love with someone is not based on how grand the wedding is, but on how committed and sincere you are to your significant other.

The 14th day of February is considered one of the most celebrated holidays in the Philippines, no doubt about that. Although Filipinos celebrate the day of love just like how western people do, you can still see the difference based on how much effort Filipino people exert to bring happiness to their loved ones. If you want to be part of this wonderful event and experience it together with your Filipino girl, sign up now and join a singles vacation tour to the Philippines!

